Integrate industrial resources, build industrial ecology--Saidi Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology empowers LU Optronics

Integrate industrial resources, build industrial ecology--Saidi Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology empowers LU Optronics

On July 13, Han Jianfei, deputy director of the Industrial Economy Research Institute of Saidi Think Tank of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and his entourage went to Rizhao LU Optoelectronics 5G Communication Semiconductor Sealing and Testing Industrial Park for investigation and research. Ding Mingsong, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Mao Xin, Director of the Development Zone Economic and Development Bureau, accompanied by Zhang Qiling, Deputy General Manager of the company, Wang Peng, Finance Manager, and Sun Qian, Manager of the Human Resources Department.

In the company's exhibition hall, Zhang Qiling introduced the company's development history and become a global semiconductor well-known brand corporate vision, and focused on the upcoming production of silicon carbide, gallium nitride, IGBT and other third-generation semiconductor products.

The research group understood in detail the current situation of the development of enterprises and the existing difficulties, and said that it would coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the production of enterprises in a timely manner, and promote the implementation of policies such as enterprise specialization, special new declarations and technological reform loans to help enterprises to innovate and develop.

Strengthening the empowerment of efficiency, to achieve accurate service, this is the government's commitment to enterprises, we will firmly respond to the government's call, increase innovation, promote "specialization, refinement, specialization, novelty", for the city's economic development of high-quality contribution to the power of Luguang.

Development Zone Observation into the Luguang Electronics