Riding the Wind and Waves for 20 Years, Creating a Brilliant New Journey - Chairman Zhu Ligui's 2022 New Year's Greetings

Riding the Wind and Waves for 20 Years, Creating a Brilliant New Journey - Chairman Zhu Ligui's 2022 New Year's Greetings

Dear partners, friends, and colleagues

The spring breeze is rising again, and the tide is rising in the South China Sea. I would like to express my sincere gratitude and best wishes for the new year to my colleagues in Shenzhen who have been helping and supporting the development of Luguang Electronics for many years, and to those who have fought alongside me for many years!

Looking back on this year, it has extraordinary significance. The year 2021 will be a year of constant changes in the world and constant interference from the COVID-19. The Party and the country will lead the people of the whole country to work together to cope with the changes, grasp the overall situation and create a new situation. At the intersection of two centenary goals, we are reaching new heights on a new journey.

Faced with the increasingly severe market supply situation, we unite as one and overcome difficulties

The market is constantly changing. Faced with a rare shortage of chips in history, there has been a situation of grabbing and hoarding goods in the market, and terminal manufacturing factories are facing problems of shutdown and production stoppage. Our long-term supplier friends at Luguang Electronics have provided us with strong support to overcome the problems of long delivery times and difficult demand. At the same time, our business team has worked together, united, and provided maximum support and assistance to customers' supply needs. The frontline employees of the factory work overtime day and night to rush goods, and we cannot forget the colleagues who worked day and night with me.

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Looking back on the past year, we have sailed through thick and thin, fearless of difficulties.

Since the groundbreaking and construction of the second phase of the Luguang Electronics Industrial Park on April 18, 2021, it has overcome the rare difficulty of long-term rainfall in the north. After 116 days, 3 months, and 24 days of hard work, it was successfully completed on August 12, 2021. We have adhered to the concept that time is money, efficiency is life, and always maintain the spirit of adventure, innovation, and work style. We will never forget the contributions made by our colleagues who have been diligent and responsible on the frontline construction site for a long time. We thank all leaders at all levels, colleagues from all walks of life, and friends who have paid attention to and supported the development of Luguang Electronics.

The deep integration of Yimeng spirit and special zone spirit is presented in the Luguang Electronic Enterprise

From April 24th to 27th, sponsored by the Shenzhen Yimeng Cultural Development Promotion Association, Luguang Electronic Technology, and Kuayue Special Travel, 44 comrades from the Party Committee of Shenzhen Cultural and Sports, Business Services, and Cultural Creativity Joint Organizations went to Yimeng for a four-day and three night "Joint Learning and Learning to Learn from Yimeng Spirit, Consolidate Party Spirit and Do Practical Things for the Old District" event. This unforgettable red journey attempted multiple models and experiences of joint learning and learning by Party committees, built a platform for red research, built a bridge between Shenzhen and Yimeng, and forged an unforgettable fighting friendship.

Spring blossoms and autumn fruits, stepping towards the Gobi, time waits for no one, striving forward.

I don't know why I have to move forward even though I know it's tough and bumpy? I don't know why I have to accept challenges when life is so comfortable? I don't know, why touch the pain even after just a few decades of life? Even sometimes, I don't know who I am? Where is my way back again? With these questions in mind, I participated in a four day and three night challenge of 108 kilometers of hiking in the Gobi Desert from May 19th to 22nd, challenging my personal limits while searching for answers to life. I have achieved my dreams, actions, perseverance, and common prosperity with the spirit of Yimeng. Difficult to travel, difficult to travel, many wrong paths, where are you today? I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.

Looking ahead to the future, we will work together and work hand in hand

After a century of unprecedented changes, the electronic technology industry is as vast as a sea of stars. To nurture a new situation in a changing situation, one step ahead is to seize the opportunity! Luguang Electronics is committed to high-quality development and resolutely implements rapid transformation. It is fully committed to the research and development, production, and expansion of key new products, and has increased investment in new infrastructure and advanced equipment by nearly 100 million yuan. It has comprehensively honed its international business, with international business covering more than 100 countries and regions. It is re expanding its domestic market, seizing the electric vehicle, new energy, and industrial control industries, and fully realizing the responsibility of domestic substitution.

Career experiences are bumpy, there will always be a bright tomorrow

In the past year, our company has been working hard to allocate resources and production capacity, which has greatly moved our industry customers and friends. We overcame difficulties and successfully completed the annual target tasks. We cannot forget our colleagues who worked overtime on the production line day and night, and our colleagues who opened orders and delivered goods to customers at night. Our team is like the sun, a brave team that dares to win battles. We express our sincere gratitude to everyone for their hard work.

At the Central Economic Work Conference, the country emphasized the correct understanding and grasp of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, deepening the energy revolution, and accelerating the construction of a new energy power; We have vigorously developed the technology industry, strengthened the position of enterprises as the main body of innovation, and deepened the integration of industry, academia, and research. We have established industry university research cooperation units with Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology, Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute, Southern University of Science and Technology, and others. At the peak of semiconductor development, we continue to promote the spirit of Yimeng and the spirit of the special zone, and make more contributions to the development of the semiconductor industry.

The new year is coming as promised, and we are waiting for everyone to hurry up! Spring breeze thousands of miles, blooming like flowers, Chinese people wish the country peace and the people peace together! Wishing all colleagues in the company good health, all the best in the new year, success in their dreams, and a long and fulfilling life!

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