The 2020 Midyear Conference of Luguang Electronics was successfully held!

The 2020 Midyear Conference of Luguang Electronics was successfully held!

On the afternoon of July 18, 2020

Lu Guang Electronics held a mid year summary meeting at the Yuefu Conference Hall in Futian District, with the theme of "The epidemic is advancing, and gold and stone are opening up"

Mainly discuss the work situation of each department in the first half of the year and the development plan for the second half of the year

All members of the Shenzhen headquarters attended this meeting

This annual meeting mainly consists of group photos before the meeting, speeches from the chairman, work reports from department heads, work plans for the second half of the year, and banquet activities

------------------------------------------------------01. Group photo before the meeting------------------------------------------------------

The first step is to take group photos

Group photos have become an indispensable part of Luguang's corporate culture

Compared to previous years, group photos

This year, everyone is wearing a custom-made black POLO

It looks more energetic and energetic

------------------------------------------------------02. Chairman's speech------------------------------------------------------

The chairman would like to express his gratitude to everyone for their hard work in the first half of the year

Especially during the most severe period of the epidemic

Everyone has overcome numerous difficulties

From online cloud office to becoming one of the first batch of enterprises in Shenzhen to resume work

It fully demonstrates that the people of Lu Guang dare to fight hard

The spirit of daring to fight hard

Subsequently, Mr. Zhu conducted a simple and in-depth analysis of the current global economic situation

Especially Huawei, as a representative of excellent private enterprises in China, faces trade frictions with the US government

Especially in cutting-edge technologies such as 5G technology and chip applications

Only by mastering core patented technologies and qualified and solid products

Is the main pillar for the development and growth of enterprises

Mr. Zhu is discussing the development plan for the second half of the year

The company will increase investment in new product development and product automation

Ensure that Luguang's product innovation and quality can continue to maintain the forefront of the industry


---------------------------------------------------03. Work reports from various departments and work plans for the second half of the year---------------------------------------------------

Next is the work report of each department and the work plan for the second half of the year

This year's summary meeting was interspersed with a BOSS on-site review session

After each department reports

Mr. Zhu will address the achievements and shortcomings in the report

Reviewed and answered each question one by one

This is also the best explanation of corporate culture about "doing what you say, reviewing in a timely manner, and solving problems"

Finally, Mr. Zhu hopes that everyone can share the problems encountered in the first half of the year's work

If there is something to be corrected, then there is nothing to be encouraged

Let's grow and strengthen the Luguang brand together


---------------------------------------------------04. Dinner Event---------------------------------------------------

After the meeting, the company arranged a sumptuous dinner

And exciting karaoke activities

Draw a perfect conclusion to this event 

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