Welcome Linyi Radio and Television Station to LuGuang Electronics for inspection work

Welcome Linyi Radio and Television Station to LuGuang Electronics for inspection work

On the morning of March 4, 2019, Linyi Radio and Television Station, led by Party Secretary and Director Sun Tao, along with Party member and Deputy Director Zhu Jingtao, Party member and Deputy Editor in Chief Zhao Xuezhi, Assistant Director Li Yumei, Director of the Party and Government Office Li Lianqu, Director of the News Center Zhou Junshi, and Director of the Human Resources Department Zhang Yujuan, visited Shenzhen Luguang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. for inspection and exchange. At the same time, Zhu Ligui, Chairman of Shenzhen Luguang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., invited Guo Linhuai, Executive Vice President of Shenzhen Shandong Chamber of Commerce, Gao Lei, Secretary of Junan County's Mobile Party Wei Branch in Shenzhen, and Wang Yan, a self media person, to participate in this symposium.

Chairman Zhu Ligui of Shenzhen Luguang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. talked about the company's development history, main products, and business direction, and had in-depth discussions with Sun Tai on how to establish the Shenzhen Yimeng Culture Promotion Association and how Yimeng culture can develop in Shenzhen. Chairman Zhu Ligui stated that in 2019, the anthem "Xinxing Tianxia" of Shenzhen Shandong Electronics Professional Committee will be produced into an MTV and promoted nationwide. During this time, he will go to various parts of Shandong to take photos. Sun Tai expressed strong support and expressed that this inspection will help Linyi Radio and Television Station understand some of the situation of Shenzhen's new media, and learn advanced experience in human resource management and performance evaluation.

Luguang Electronics went to Europe to participate in the PCIM exhibition In 2019