Luguang Electronic Components Appear at China Electronics Information Expo (CITE2018)

Luguang Electronic Components Appear at China Electronics Information Expo (CITE2018)

The 6th China Electronic Information Expo (CITE2018), held from April 9th to 11th at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center, will focus on showcasing the latest development achievements of the new generation of information technology industry, fully showcasing the latest development achievements and trends of the electronic information industry in the intelligent era to the industry, creating an international first-class exhibition platform in the field of electronic information, promoting breakthroughs in core industry technologies, leading the supply chain reform of the information technology industry, and promoting the construction of a world-class advanced manufacturing cluster in China's electronic information industry.
In CITE 2018, many electronic component manufacturers participated in the exhibition with their own products. It should be noted that the most advanced manufacturing technology for similar precision components in the world is currently in the hands of top manufacturers in countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Germany, such as memory and hard disk particles. On the first day of the exhibition, we saw more products such as thin film capacitors, aluminum electrolytic capacitors, and diodes. These high-precision electronic components may seem unrelated to us, but they are actually not. Many devices are used in our daily lives and permeate every aspect of our lives.

For example, diodes are widely used in our daily lives. For example, a very common item - a mobile phone. The "bright screen" of the mobile phone screen we use in our daily life is achieved by light-emitting diodes. A light-emitting diode is a semiconductor device that can directly convert electrical energy into light energy. Of course, a light-emitting diode only provides backlight for the light emitted by a mobile phone and requires display control drivers and filters to emit light.

As a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development, production, and sales of semiconductor devices, we, Luguang Electronics (booth 3, hall 3B13), cannot miss this grand event.

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