Luguang Electronics: The 20th anniversary celebration meeting was a complete success!

Luguang Electronics: The 20th anniversary celebration meeting was a complete success!

April 27-29, Rizhao City, held a new generation of information technology industry chain high-quality development conference. The conference is themed with "innovation and development of new generation information technology industry chain", inviting experts and scholars from colleges and universities, industry associations and entrepreneurial representatives to take the pulse of the development trend of the new generation of information technology industry, discuss the direction of the industry, introduce a batch of scientific and technological achievements, and strive for the landing of a batch of key projects.

The meeting was presided over by Chen Feng, Vice Chairman of Rizhao CPPCC, Chairman of Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce and President of Municipal Chamber of Commerce.

At the meeting, Rizhao Municipal Committee Standing Committee, Vice Mayor Jia Gang made a speech. He said that the development and growth of Rizhao new generation information technology industry can not be separated from the guidance and support of experts and entrepreneurs, and sincerely hope that you will take Rizhao as the preferred place for industrial innovation layout, and put the project, talent, technology and platform resources to Rizhao.

Xia Ping, secretary of the party group and director of Rizhao Science and Technology Bureau, promoted the development of new-generation information technology industry in Rizhao.

  During the meeting, Rizhao People's Hospital, Rizhao Luguang Electronics Technology Co.

Academician Xu Yonglong and Academician Liu Dequan gave keynote speeches on related topics, and seven experts, including Professor Zhang Ruiqin, Chair Professor of the City University of Hong Kong, gave special lectures.

The forum meeting was chaired by Zhu Ligui round table, Song Tao expert, Dr. Zhu Junshan, Song Shiqiang researcher, Yin Ninghua expert, Tan Chunjie president to participate in the semiconductor industry around the development of the status quo and prospects for the analysis of a new generation of information technology and new energy, electro-optical lithium, the "new three kinds" of domestic core opportunities.

A new generation of information technology is a new round of scientific and technological revolution and the key force of industrial change. Rizhao municipal party committee and municipal government attaches great importance to the cultivation and development of a new generation of information technology industry, as the in-depth implementation of the "industry city" "innovation city" strategic concept of the starting point to grasp, set up a task force, issued a "digital economy to accelerate the multiplication of" "science and innovation enterprise Investment and loan linkage" and other gold-rich series of policy packages. Nine specialized parks have been built, including provincial information technology industrial park, software industrial park, digital economy industrial park, etc., forming an industrial development pattern supported by integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, big data, software and information technology services. The success of this meeting, not only for the development of Rizhao harvested more insights, to achieve more results of cooperation, more new generation of information technology industry development and growth of surging power.

  After the summit forum conference, held a banquet on the evening of the 28th to entertain experts, scholars, industry friends from all over the country nearly 600. Wang Lixin, President of Shenzhen Shandong Chamber of Commerce, made a speech and expressed warm congratulations on the successful organization of the conference, and Zhu Ligui, Chairman of the Board of Directors, enthusiastically delivered a speech on the brilliant achievements of Luguang Electronics in the past 20 years, and expressed his gratitude to people from all walks of life who attended the conference!

  Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Luguang Electronics, the important guests are: experts in the electronic information industry, entrepreneurs to the General Assembly; representatives of colleges and universities to the General Assembly; the presidents and secretaries-general of Shandong Chambers of Commerce all over the country; the president and secretary-general of the National Union of Prosperous Businessmen; the teachers of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting and Calligraphy Association; the national alumni association of teachers, students, and other comrades from all fronts!

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