2018 Shandong Electronic Embedded IoT Forum

2018 Shandong Electronic Embedded IoT Forum 

On the afternoon of August 17, 2018, the "Embedded Internet of Things Forum Salon" hosted by Shandong Electronics in Shenzhen and sponsored by Luguang Electronics was grandly held at the reception hall on the third floor of Yonghe Brothers Automobile Company in Nanshan Zhihe Industrial Park, Shenzhen.

 2018 Shandong Electronic Embedded IoT Forum

Mr. Zhu Ligui, founder of Shandong Electronics in Shenzhen and chairman of Shenzhen Luguang Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a wonderful speech before the meeting. In line with the guiding ideology of Shandong Electronics' 12 word business policy of "integration, teamwork, and win-win cooperation", President Zhu, in combination with the current tense international situation, "China Dream, China Core" is certainly a science and technology topic that the party and state leaders attach great importance to. "Science and technology is the first productive force". After the "ZTE event", I believe that every Chinese will be determined to work hard to accelerate the development of science and technology in all fields and the rise of "core" closely around the "the Belt and Road" national policy! In the new era, we need to explore the development of new and renewable energy sources while ensuring the supply of traditional energy. With the continuous rise of China's new energy, new technology, intelligent industry, automotive electronics and other industries, every technological field is closely focused on the lifeline of science and technology, united, technologically innovative, responsive to national policies, never forgetting our original intention, and forging ahead!

At present, the localization and self-sufficiency of China's semiconductor industry is undoubtedly a new trend and new trend of future development. As a benchmark enterprise in the semiconductor industry, Luguang Electronics will also follow the "the Belt and Road" advocated by the country, actively respond to national policies, boldly lead small and medium-sized enterprises in Shandong Electronics, and actively hold this epoch-making salon activity. At the same time, it will be hosted by senior experts engaged in the semiconductor electronics industry for nearly 30 years, Yinninghua instructors who have worked in visits to several Silicon Valley semiconductor companies and Stanford University, MBA of Beijing Jiaotong University, and judges of various Maker Contests. The salon atmosphere of the whole forum is: "focus together, talk about cooperation, and plan for win-win", and everyone will actively discuss and exchange The PPT presentation of each enterprise is very detailed.

The prominent companies with distinct themes in this forum salon include Huada Semiconductor, Haier, and Hisense's Shenzhen office. Prominent representatives of on-site enterprise PPT release and interactive communication include: Huang Hui, Technical Director of Luguang Electronics Group; Lin Jinhai, Director of Jieyang Xunke Electronics; Zheyang Technology Xu Haijun Project Chief Engineer; Wang Yulin, General Manager of Hantaiwei Electronics; Ouyang Erjian, Engineering Director of Nanjing Nat Communication Electronics; Director Zheng Minghui of Rongchuang Xincheng and others have made the learning interaction and resource sharing atmosphere at the venue more lively.


After a 5-hour forum, the Embedded IoT Forum Salon finally came to a successful conclusion, and everyone happily left behind a group photo. Finally, under the call of Chairman Zhu of Shandong Electric in Shenzhen, a lavish thank-you dinner was arranged at the restaurant of Nanshan Zhihe Industrial Park with full sponsorship from Luguang Electronics!
This salon meeting has come to a temporary end, and more exciting events need to continue in the future.

For this embedded IoT forum salon event, the essential topic content is compiled as follows:

Communication applications
At present, zero intermediate frequency software defined radio technology is adopted and showing a trend. The TX and RX channels are integrated with up and down converters, with pre distortion correction function. It is applied in the repeater wireless communication industry, with a frequency range of 100Mbps to 3. 5G. There are many high parameter requirements for high-speed pipeline ADC/DAC (serial), high-speed high-performance FPGA, and high analog-to-digital+Cortex series SOC. Currently, foreign chip solutions are mostly used, and the domestic ADC market still needs a long time to cultivate.
The design requirements for capacitors and inductors with high Q-value and low dielectric loss in RF applications have become essential high-performance passive peripheral devices.

Discrete components
Represented by Lu Guang Electronics, general-purpose diodes, rectifiers, bridge stacks, TVS, transient protection tubes, lightning protection tubes, small blue particles, medium to high power thyristors, MOSFETs, and other devices are widely used. The industry demand for high-speed low capacitance and high consistency impedance matching TVS and new energy vehicle grade components has become a blue ocean market.

Power devices: IGBT, SiC
Power components represented by domestically produced IGBTs have opened up prospects in the domestic consumer and household appliance markets, while foreign brands still dominate the new energy and automotive electronics markets. The third-generation wide bandgap market has broad application prospects for devices such as silicon carbide potassium arsenide due to their high hardness, high speed, high efficiency, and low loss characteristics.

Overseas MCU and Solution Services
Foreign MCU development and application represented by STM, NXP, Microchip, and Renesas, development of solutions for drones, robots, automation control, and smart homes, as well as online chip trading platforms, and early-stage technical services for makers and small and medium-sized developers. Industry application makers host and moderator various major online forums, technology market salon activities, and more.
During the period, group members mentioned the RFID/NFC application in the development of electronic detonators, and prioritized the use of domestic chip solutions.

Domestic MCU and motor driver
Represented by Huada Semiconductor, domestic MCUs with abundant resources in the Cortex M0+series, ultra-low power consumption, and Robus performance have become the mainstream of independent and controllable domestic substitution. They can be widely used in wireless charging, LoRA NBIOT low-power small wireless IoT applications. In addition, the 16 bit 32-bit low-power MCU compatible with 51 can be regarded as an upgrade to traditional 8-bit 51 chips and provides good cost-effectiveness.
A guest asked about the cost-effectiveness comparison between Huada and other domestic MCU manufacturers, such as Shanghai Lingdong. The Cortex M4 integrated SAR type ADC MCU can be widely used in various and BLDC motor drivers, and can provide users with application support including FOC algorithm SDK library calls.
Huada Chip provides a variety of symmetric and asymmetric encryption solutions. Plan for the next 3-5 years for automotive electronic applications.

High definition video processing a​nd transmission
High definition video format processing and lossless transparent transmission applications, mainly represented by HDMI, DP, SDI, and LVDS, are shifting from traditional copper cables to optical communication trends. In order to reduce power consumption, multi-mode optical modules are used for short distance communication.
Traditional wired optical module transmission applications are expanding wireless communication product lines such as LoRa, NBIOT, LTE/4G DTU to meet the needs of the Internet of Things.
During this period, discussions were also held on the customization of domestic chips for audio and video signal processing and wireless signal connection.

Low power wireless connection
The guests expressed their market demand for low-cost and cost-effective BLE applications, and provided detailed breakdowns of product designs such as smart homes, smart door locks, shared bicycles umbrellas, AR games, and chip embedded supermarket items.
LORA applications use unauthorized private frequency bands, which are more suitable for small and medium-sized local wireless connections, while NB is suitable for large-scale unified planning and layout by operators. The two have certain complementarity and competitiveness.

SIP testing and application
Using different digital chips+RF transceivers, or high-speed low-power+high-power multi chip applications for SIP chip level module packaging and testing needs, providing professional industry application requirements.
The guests also shared the application of LORA SIP module chip solution in smart fire protection and smart building networking.

Sensor applications
The semiconductor chip temperature sensor has advantages over the convergence requirements of consistency, temperature rise, and time parameters of ordinary NTC.
Temperature and humidity sensors separate interference and mutual interference from the surrounding environment. Domestic device manufacturers are now able to achieve digital quantization and serial output, which greatly saves connection wiring and MCU GPIO resources.
The temperature range, voltage stability, linear stability with magnetic field and current changes of GaAs Hall Element sensor for motor and current detection, improvement of drift divergence of analog output, and digital discussion of Hall sensor.

Big data sharing application
Overseas Tsinghua based maker investment project, self-service coffee machine sales project sharing, backend big data analysis, IoT APP, and profit model discussion under the premise of free machines and coffee.
The backend management application for the evaluation of new energy lithium batteries adopts big data optimization to improve the efficiency of recycling and testing, and there is an urgent need for cooperation in BMS testing and wireless connection applications.

Car infotainment dashboard and vehicle networking
The requirements for network security protection in the upgrade of automotive electronic systems and vehicle networking, including asymmetric encryption solutions for terminal gateway management backend cloud services, MPU with operating system application upgrade for standalone (Japanese MCU) instrument panel, vehicle networking, and multi window NXP I. MX8 cockpit display and artificial intelligence applications, etc.

Consumer and smart home appliances
Low power and high integration solutions represented by domestic MPU Quanzhi, wireless connection solutions, single point and multi-point mark voice array feature recognition+algorithm intelligent speakers, OTT boxes, development of household network equipment and home appliance applications, etc.

Vehicle positioning application
The UBLOX solution integrating Beidou/GPS research and development, high-precision positioning, and vehicle positioning terminals based on 2G/3G and 4G/NBIOT communication technologies will be shared. Another guest raised the issue of locating and searching for military shell misfires, and using a precise positioning system may be one solution.

RF amplifier and EMC
Application of RF power amplifiers and electromagnetic compatibility, sharing of EMC testing systems.
Interference of high-power switching power supplies on display devices: Pay attention to spatial RE radiation shielding and common mode and differential mode suppression of line CE conducted radiation. The circuit needs to use X-Y capacitors, high-Q low loss inductors, and lightning protection devices such as multi pulse group disturbance and surge surge surge devices.

What is a LOW VF Schottky diode?