LuGuang Electronics Visits Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Thailand

LuGuang Electronics Visits Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Thailand

Winter has already passed, and spring is quietly approaching. Although the weather is still a bit cool, everything is reviving and full of vitality, making people energetic. There is always an inexhaustible drive that drives people towards their goals!

On the afternoon of March 27th, Zhu Ligui, Vice President of Shenzhen Shandong Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Electronic Professional Committee of Shenzhen Shandong Chamber of Commerce, and Chairman of Shenzhen Luguang Electronic Technology, led Guo Yunqiao (a diving enthusiast) from Shandong Electronics and our overseas business to visit our company's clients, and then went directly to the Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Thailand.

Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Thailand

The Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Thailand currently has 77 member enterprises and has reached several companies in various industries, including logistics, health products, latex products, electronics, real estate, etc. I gave a detailed introduction to the upstream and downstream enterprises of Shandong Electronics in the meeting, and made some requirements for the research on the Thai market during this trip. I hope that the Shandong Chamber of Commerce in Thailand can provide some resources for coordination and cooperation in some projects. The meeting was presided over by Vice President Sun Yong, and a reception delegation of 10 people including Vice Secretary General Lu Jilin, Director Ji Chengshuai, and Director Ma Chao also attended.


In today's meeting, there are two aspects that can be referred to: there are two showcase exhibitions in Thailand that are similar to sales, Bitec and IMPACT. Similar to market stalls, regardless of the theme of each exhibition, this is because Thailand is more inclined towards this stall model based on the current sales model. However, Mr. Zhu expressed that these two product based exhibitions will have better effects, and the electronic components are not very good in this regard.

The second aspect is about how the Shenzhen Shandong Chamber of Commerce can expand its business in Thailand. They suggest that the Shenzhen Shandong Chamber of Commerce directly package a certain themed event, such as the China Small Home Appliance Fair, and allow members to participate directly. This feels similar to the current exhibition model, with only regional differences.

In the evening, the Thai Chamber of Commerce held a welcome banquet in Lao Shandong, the vice president's unit.

2018 China International Consumer Electronics Expo (SINOCES)